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Showing posts from August, 2013

Post Magic LIVE Recommendations

Whew....August has been busy. I lectured on kid's magic at the PCAM, attended Magic LIVE in Las Vegas and took a trip home to see mom, so I've been out of pocket. That's why it's taken so long from my last posting. My basic goal is to feature at least 3 effects with each new blog entry that I consider to be worthy of a worker's attention. Also, if there is a particular effect for kids that I really like, I'll recommend it. And my "Book of Note" will call attention to any book I consider worth adding to your magic library. Now, let's get to some Trick Talk. David Regal's Clarity Box Another beautiful effect from David Regal's fertile mind. There are however a number of great effects that have come down the pike that are worth talking about -- namely David Regal's Clarity Box, which was a huge hit at Magic LIVE. Also, I like to tell you briefly about FORCE 4 by Wayne Rogers and the Giant Snaky Wand. I